Ace Type

based in Berlin
run by Valeria Geritzen

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/ Welcome, welcome
With our new website we invite you to our new digital gallery presentation. We want to introduce the ACE online Art Gallery and our artists very orderly, aiming to offer a good overview about the artists and their available artworks. The ACE website is a great baseline for discussion regarding a new artwork for your private collection. You and ACE? We might know each other from art fairs, personal appointments or just over the phone, sometimes over many years... now with the new ACE website, we'd like to create a kind of online art lounge for you with an extended website with many new services and always something new to discover. A digital place to look and check the good stuff, a place to feel free and start an art conversation.

/ The ACE: As online art gallery we are digital but still we're based in the middle of Berlin, between Volksbühne and Hackesche Höfe. With all we do, we act with passion for art and life, with chutzpah as ACE TYPE - the online art gallery from Berlin!

/ Our range! Take a look at the listing of our services at ACE TYPE.
Please check and feel welcome to use our art services!!!

/ Please contact us with all questions, also regarding scheduling a basic free online consulting session: Directly via our chat button. This way, your messages will reach us quickly via WhatsApp.You can also book an online meeting via my calendar!

Or you write via messenger (Signal, Telegram), also the classic way by email is still popular and if you'd like to pick up the phone, and we start a conversation, that would be lovely.

All the best in advance, I'm looking forward to working with you.

The ACE team with our artists
& Valeria Geritzen as art agent and business manager.

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